Is there a God of a Supernatural power?

Is there a God of a Supernatural power?

Absolutely! And the best part is that this supernatural power comes in the form of pure and unconditional love. Everything that God does is motivated by love and when we experience the supernatural power, its is always directing us to love. Sometimes this is hard for us to understand because we live in a natural world and our minds aren’t always tuned into the supernatural. Or what some people would call the spiritual.

How can I believe in someone I don’t see?

How can I believe in someone I don’t see?

Lucky for us, sight is only one of our 5 senses. So when seeing isn’t working for us, we can rely on some of our other sense to help us out. But since we are talking about seeing, let’s start with that.

Sight. You may not be able to see Jesus standing in front of you the way you see a man at the market standing in front of you. But you can see him in other ways. You can see the evidence of his presence in your life. Ask Jesus to do something for you.

‘Why is only Jesus’ name used as a cuss word?’

‘Why is only Jesus’ name used as a cuss word?’

Can you name anyone in history (good or bad) who’s had their name used as a cuss word other than Jesus ? Think about it now. Hitler, Napoleon, Shakespeare, Newton, Buddha, Muhammad, or how about Mother Teresa ? Go ahead, try to think of one. Don’t worry, I’ll wait. See, you can’t do it. I knew it. There’s only ONE PERSON whose name is used as a cuss word to express disgust and it’s ALWAYS Jesus.

What does God look like?

What does God look like?

This is a challenging question. While the Bible does give several descriptions of God’s physical appearance, those can be seen through the lens of symbolism and metaphor. Of course, they may be the actual reality too! In the book of Ezekial in the Old Testament and in Revelation in the New Testament, words and phrases like “glowing metal” and “burning fire” are used to describe his body and his eyes. The apostle John said that his head and hair were like snow white wool.

What does God look like?

What does God look like?

One of the 1st followers of Jesus made this incredible claim, “Jesus Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.”

For years people have wanted evidence for what God looks like, and the best answer Christianity has to offer is that God looks like Jesus. God looks like humility, God looks like compassion…