Most people have no problem believing that Jesus lived on this earth, and even that He was a great man. But how can we believe that He is alive and active today?
That is where something called faith comes in. The Bible (God’s word to mankind) explains that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). It also says that faith is the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).
But how can we even believe in something we cannot see? Well, we are locked into our physical senses and we need to become aware of the spiritual realm that is all around us.
The Bible calls God’s spiritual realm the Kingdom of God. Jesus said that the kingdom is “at hand” (Matthew 4:7), or “near” (Luke 10:9), or even “inside you” (Luke 17:21). But Jesus clarified that the spirit realm cannot be seen with physical eyes. In Luke 17:20 He said “The Kingdom of God comes not with observation,” that is, not with visible evidence. That’s where faith comes in!
The world is made up of physical matter but we don’t actually “see” any of it. If you look at a car driving by it is made of physical matter, but you don’t actually see the physical matter. Light is reflected off the car and receptors in the back of your eyes send signals from the light reflections back to your brain, which turns those signals into an image. But you’re not really seeing the car, just the light reflecting off of it.
What if there are things that light doesn’t reflect off of? You can’t see them. Jesus used the example that you can hear the wind but you can’t tell where it comes from or where it goes (John 3:8). Think also of radio or television waves, or signals from our smart phones. You can’t see them or feel them or hear them with the natural senses. But they are there.
Jesus was a historical man who lived on this earth and died. But He was God and He existed in the spiritual realm before he came into our physical realm to be with us. And after He died to pay for our crimes and failures, He was raised again and is once again in His spiritual realm. If we turn to Him we can also be with Him in the spiritual realm both now and forever!
Please think about Him…
– Neil from Oregon (United States)