Join the movement
The Think About Jesus movement mobilizes groups of believers around a central event to raise community awareness of the personage and identity of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.
Where did it all start?
It began in Hungary when 42 churches in 27 cities agreed to go out to the streets wearing a simple t-shirt with the single message “Think About Jesus”.
As people went about town for two days, they encountered families, individuals and workers wearing this single admonishment. The grabber is they didn’t see it once, they saw it many times. Shops, parks, malls, celebrations and even in the workplaces, people were repeatedly asked to Think About Jesus without confrontation.
Exposure to Jesus
We carry no other message but Jesus. The power of the Word (John 1) speaks for itself and we do not rely on persuasiveness and the superiority of our speech.
Shared experience
The humility of local unity around the personage of Jesus is a powerful witness in itself. The more participants, the more shared stories and enthusiasm we generate. Jesus sent out the disciples 2 by 2 and they were energized with the experience…..even the demons listened to them.
International unity
On August 23-25, 2024 we expect thousands of people from more than 10 countries, Hungary, Bosnia, Romania, United States, Albania, England, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Serbia, Liberia, Nigeria, South Africa, El Salvador, Spain, UK and others will take to the streets with the simple admonition to think about Jesus.
There are 3 major hurdles Christians struggle with
I don’t know what to say to people
Just say, “do you have an opinion about Jesus, what do you think?” Or if still not comfortable you don’t have to say anything. The local church and each group has the opportunity to prepare their people to engage the inevitable questions with answers, invitations or direction to sources of answers.
I don’t know who to approach
The Think About Jesus tools are invitation to be approached. Everybody is encouraged to look for facial cues or other openings or merely hand a card with a message to those they see reacting to the message on the T-shirts.
I am too busy
The busier one is, the better because they will take the message with them everywhere, to all the stops through the day. Even if one doesn’t engage with anyone, they are confronting scores of people with the message that so many are wearing. Those who are curious will start seeking for Jesus.
What is the Think About Jesus (TAJ) movement?
How can we reach out to those outside of our circle of friends, many have asked. That’s what triggered the TAJ movement. How could we challenge people to have an opinion about God, to stop and think about Him? We can do it together with the TAJ movement, will you participate with us? It cannot be done alone, the pastors, evangelists and church leaders can’t do it alone, there are too many people that we still have to reach! But with everybody’s help, it’s not that hard!
In the broken, restricted world of august 2020, in the small county of Hungary with small churches there were hundreds and thousands of people in different towns and cities representing Jesus in a Think About Jesus T-shirt. Kind of like a T-shirt flash-mob, but in a natural way. And that was just the beginning of it… Today it is reaching many countries in several continents!
The busier the believers were, the better it was, they took the message Think About Jesus with them on their T-shirts to work, on the busses, trains, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, grocery stores and so on! And how does advertisement work? If you see it on many people, you will notice it weather you want it or not!
What are the principles of the movement?
Faith in Jesus
Having a living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Jesus there is no salvation!
There should not be anything else on the T-shirts, only Think About Jesus! Everybody has the freedom to use any other material that is from the church, brochures, flyers, etc. to use it with the shirts but no organization or church’s name should be on the shirts. Only Jesus! That’s how the world will know that the Father has sent Jesus, that they will see the unity in lifting up the name of Jesus and not the name of the local church. Of course, when people get exited about Jesus they will also be interested in the local church, but only after they get to know Jesus!
Local Community – do it together with your local community
We are all part of a community of believers and we should do evangelism together with them. No soldier goes to war alone and the Think About Jesus T-shirt is NOT a T-shirt ministry, it is an evangelistic tool. Evangelism is so to say spiritual warfare; therefore, we shouldn’t be doing it alone, but together with others, especially together with the local church. There is such a great power in unity!
International Community
Dedicate to also participate in the International Think About Jesus Days – August 23-25, 2024. Everybody has the freedom to organize other evangelistic events with the help of these shirts as a community of believers, but please join the international days as well. There is such a power in unity, in doing it together all over the world!
What is the key to representing the movement?
Unity and the name of Jesus are key principles. No soldier goes to war alone and the Think About Jesus T-shirt is NOT a T-shirt ministry, it is an evangelistic tool. Evangelism is warfare, therefore don’t do it alone.
When Jesus sent out the 70 disciples two by two, He sent them out on the same day, not alone. They all did it together on the same days! Therefore, even though they were two by two, somewhat alone, still, when they back they had shared experience and were able to get exited and even to share their disappointments. – Therefore, do it together, on the same day when everybody else is doing it worldwide, or at least as a church community.
Who can join?
Anybody who believes that salvation is by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Anybody who believes in Jesus’s death, burial, resurrection and ascension as essentials for our salvation and believes in Jesus for the forgiveness of his/her sins and expresses that faith by repentance.
Who is leading it?
The movement has been started in Hungary, but is being led by the local church leaders all over the world. The people behind the movement, a group of leaders from different denominations and different countries, the ones behind the vision are desiring to hold up the standards of the gospel. Every local church leader becomes a leader in how to train his congregation in sharing the gospel.
What is the theological background?
We believe the basic Nicene creed and that there is salvation only through faith in Jesus Christ. If you do not believe that salvation is through Jesus Christ alone, please do not join.
Any other theological debate will be decided by the local church. We are from different theological backgrounds: Pentecostal, Charismatic, Baptist and Evangelical backgrounds.
Please note that there might be some theological issues that a local church promotes and we strongly disagree with it. Please consider that we represent a movement and we do not have a desire to control local churches. Every single local church is fully responsible before God for how do they represent the love of Christ and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
If somebody is interested in Christ, what kind of theology will they hear?
The local church that represented the Think About Jesus movement to the person, especially the person that has talked to them will be responsible before the Lord in how to share the gospel and the theological view, how to lead them to Christ and how to disciple them.
Who can participate?
Anybody with a living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please don’t do it alone, only together with others. There is power in unity!
If you do not believe that salvation is through Jesus Christ alone, please do not join.
Where can T-shirts be purchased?
The shirts can be purchased from The local church can require the design from the organizers and under certain conditions they can print their own shirts as well.
Can the church make their own shirts?
The local church can require the design from the organizers and under certain conditions they can print their own shirts.
What are the principles of making your own shirt?
Only if you represent a bigger community can we provide you with the design. Please write us about the details at
Can the church/individual involved use other materials while having the TAJ T-shirts on?
Everybody is free to use Bible-based Christian promotional materials with the T-shirts. It can also be church material. But no person is allowed to print on the Think About Jesus T-shirts anything else with the design, but Think About Jesus and the website.

people mobilized
Hungary - Europe
people mobilized
Hungary & Romania
2021 - 2023
people mobilized
10+ countries